What do I do?

Today, once again, one of my relatives' mobile phone got stolen while de-boarding from Delhi Metro.

She frantically called me to know what she should do !!? She was clueless.

This got me thinking; There should be a set of rules to be followed in such cases and they should be advertised and explained to people just like any other disaster management procedure.

I mean loosing a phone does fall into the category of huge crisis in today's world when all your personal details including your financial & most intimate memories could be stored on it !!

Forget about fingerprint sensors / face detection unlocking or even passwords; they are just to protect the phone from kids or sneaky friends & relatives !!

The hackers are much more sophisticated and advanced and can still retrieve data from your phone. So what do we do?

I am searching for answers and would like suggestions / inputs / comments from readers on this so that I could compile a reference chart for everyone to imbibe.

So, just in case God forbid, this happens to someone, they would know what are the relevant steps to be taken.

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